Her palm lines said that she had, at that moment, an intestinal disease!
K (56 years old) was a woman who had come in to get advice on her work and home life. But upon looking at her palms,
I found a clear sign of intestinal disease.
I immediately counted the age at which she would develop the disease on her Life Line. And was stunned to find that it was her current age—56 years old.
*The method used to determine ages on palm lines is called the Liu-Nen Method.
By using the Nishitani Liu-Nen Method, you can accurately determine what events will occur when.
Told her to get tested at the hospital immediately
I told K to go to the hospital immediately to get tested.
So she went on that day to the hospital.
Around 9:00 P.M. that night, she sent me a message that said something like this.
“Nishitani-sensei, I went to the hospital right after the session. They found a hole in my intestine, and they’ve admitted me right away to control the inflammation.”
Hearing this, I thought to myself, Thank goodness they found it early.
Our palm lines tell us years in advance what will occur in the future
The signs on our palm lines tell us accurately what kind of events will occur at what times in our life.
For instance, a line indicating disease can appear 5, 10, at times over 20 years prior, letting you know the age at which you will develop the disease.
This is because your palm lines are a picture of your subconscious mind, which knows everything about your future.
I encourage you too to try listening to your palms. You may be surprised at all of the things they can tell you.